Sunday 1 June

Secure Early Bird Prices Now

Sunday 1 June


Online registration closing date

Online registrations close 11:59 pm AEST, Wednesday, 28 May. However, people can still register in person at the bib collection venues. 

The day officially starts at 6:00am when registration/bib pick opens.

• 10k Race Start: 6:55 am

• 21.1k Race Start: 7:15 am

• 5k Race Start: 8:45 am

• 2k Race Start: 9:30 am

• Post Race Presentation for all events: 10:00 am

Note: Times are subject to change

2k: Ages 5-12

5k: 10 and up

10k: 13 and up

Half Marathon: 16 and up

Unfortunately, we cannot transfer your race entry to someone else.

Yes, up until 4 weeks before the event. Please contact to do this. We don’t offer transfers within 4 weeks of the event or if the event has sold out.

Unfortunately, entry fees are non-refundable.

Of course you get a medal! Run with us every year and create your very own collection.

Toilets are located in and around the Precinct;

  • Race Precinct
  • Lang Park
  • City Beach Surf Club
  • Wollongong Harbour (LeVendi)

Toilets that are located on course:

  • City Beach Surf Club
  • Wollongong Harbour (LeVendi)
  • North Wollongong Bather’s Pavilion
  • Lagoon
  • Fairy Meadow Surf Club

Post Race Presentations for all events: 10:00 am

Note: Times are subject to change

You are encouraged to pick up your bib before the event. Pick up venue to be confirmed. Online registrations will be closed however registrations can still be purchased in person at Bib pick up. Bib collection will be available on the following days:

  • Friday May 30: From 10:00-6:00pm
  • Saturday May 31: From 8:00am – 12:00pm

Venue: To be confirmed
NOTE: Times are subject to change.

The registration tent will be located in the race precinct at Stuart Park, close to the start line.

Please note bib pick-up times on race day for your event below.

• 10km & 21km: From 6:00am

• 5km & Kids 2km: From 7:30am

NOTE: Times are subject to change.

Water and Energy Gels will be available at the following locations. You can view the locations on the course maps.

  • City Beach Surfclub (east side)
  • North Wollongong Surfclub (West Side)
  • Fairy Meadow Surf Club (South side at the Puckey’s exit)
  • Stuart Park Cnr Cliff Rd & George Hanley Dr

We are teaming up with RaceAtlas to bring you your race day photos on the same day as the event! You can check for your photos here: 

You will receive a text message as soon as photos have been added to your gallery and then again once all of your photos have been processed. RaceAtlas will be offering a special race day discount, with 20% off all purchases until midnight on Sunday using the code: GONG25

Yes, but only for the Ericom Half Marathon. The cut off time for the Ericom Half Marathon is 3 hours.

We will have a dedicated area for bag drop and collection post race. We don’t encourage you to leave valuables.

Any lost and found will be taken to the registration tent for collection.